
Picture1 Together

Let me ask you a question. What do you know about facultative mutualism? It’s okay, I haven’t gone completely daft, but you’ll see what I mean when I explain.
In the animal world obligate mutualism is where creatures, although able to survive separately, come together to benefit each other. One example you may know about is where clown fish and anemones help each other. The clown fish attracts the food to the anemone and, although the anemone has a fatal sting, it doesn’t hurt the clown fish. Some relationship! It’s the same with the zebra and the oxpecker birds; the zebra lets the birds feed on the ticks and the blood-sucking flies that it has. And in this way the birds are fed and the zebra is kept healthy. The birds will also alert the zebra to any impending danger. Some relationship!
The reason I share this with you is that, hearing the reading at our church service and seeing a video of the healing of the woman as recorded in the gospel of Luke 8:43-48, I was encouraged and lifted up by something not said. Please read this passage again before you continue to read my thought …..
The word in the story that is not said is ‘relationship’. It is where Jesus comes close to the woman, lovingly spends time with her as He is being jostled by the crowd. He heals her, listens to her, sees her situation, knows that she is considered unclean and no doubt unloved. But in these few moments, God’s heart and her heart meet in such a special way that it becomes a life-changing moment. Some relationship they shared in that meeting together!
Do we experience a daily relationship like that with our Lord? Do we have a relationship that is tender, loving and true with Him? Father God wants that relationship with you, so spend time with Him and sit in His loving presence, for He is your Heavenly Abba Father.

Vic, 30/06/2024