Staff and Leadership

Please find below an introduction to our church leaders and staff members.
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Paul Smith  - Pastor    
Hi, I am Paul.  It is my privilege to be the pastor here at WBC.  I have been in the position since 2012.  I am married to Emma, who is our Project Director for Roots.  She is a fantastic support and we see our ministry here as a joint calling.  We have 4 children and family is very important to us.  I have studied at Spurgeons college completing the 'Equipped to minister' course and just recently I finished a degree in Mission, Theology and Evangelism with the Light College through the University of Chester.
I am passionate about preaching and seeing the Bible come to life, but also to show how our faith applies to our everyday lives in practice as well as spiritual ways.  I have a strong conviction to reaching out to others with the love of Jesus and engaging with people whatever their understanding of faith may be.
We are really excited to see God move amongst us as He brings forward His vision for us as a church.  We believe He has great things in store for us.  Why not pop along to find out more, we would love to see you.


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Gill Price - Elder - Pastoral Work and Prayer    
I moved to Wymondham from North London over 20 years ago with my family. We joined WBC straight away and have seen the church go through good times and not so good times but believe that God has always had His hand on this place. My girlies have now moved away and my husband passed away 9 years ago after serving the church as worship leader for many years. 
Over the years I have been involved in many aspects of the life of the church including Roots Community Cafe, prayer initiatives, homegroups and pastoral care. 
I became a Deacon some years ago and took on different leadership roles. Approximately 3 years ago Paul asked Vic and I to become Elders to oversee the spiritual welfare and direction of the church. As Elders we aim to provide support for Paul. We also look to support and care for all those within the fellowship. 
My passion is for pastoral care and for praying for anyone, for anything at anytime. 
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Neil Starling - Deacon responsible for Mission   Vera Cooke - Deacon responsible for Prayer and Home Groups
My name is Neil Starling. I am married to Maria, and have two sons, two step-daughters, and three grandchildren. I work full-time as manager of the Falconer Trust, a small charity which supports an orphanage in Zambia.
I have been a member of WBC for over five years, and you will have seen me most weeks playing the keyboard and singing as a member of the worship group. I have also preached at WBC on a number of occasions. I have served on leadership teams at previous churches in the past, and bring some valuable experience to the leadership team.
My work with the Falconer Trust has given me experience in various aspects of administration, finance, organisation and public speaking.

I was born into a farming family in Norfolk (in Oby, if you’ve ever heard of it!) and at a young age, I gave my life to the Lord Jesus and was baptised. Leaving Norfolk for a while, I studied in York and London before returning as a teacher/training manager. I began attending Wymondham Baptist Church in 2021 and knew that I wanted to worship here with a fellowship whose hallmark is love of the Lord Jesus and each other. My passion is for prayer and studying God’s Word and I hope I can contribute to the life of the church in these areas, amongst others. It is a great privilege to serve the Lord and His people as a deacon at WBC.



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Emma Smith - Designated Safeguarding Officer   Jason O'Dell - Deacon responsible for Commuication
Emma is married to our Pastor Paul, together they have four children. She is the project Director for our main outreach, Roots Community Cafe. Emma now works solely for the Church but prior to this was employed at Wicklewood Primary School as a Learning Support Assistant both general and 1-1, whilst there she completed her NPECTs and went on to teach PE. Emma has always had a heart for caring for others and ran a successful childminding business with her sister for many years whilst her own children were young. It is through her previous work that she gained her initial experience in safeguarding. Emma is one of the youth team here at WBC and leads both on a Sunday morning and at our Friday night youth group. 
We appointed Emma as Designated Safeguarding Officer in 2016, she completed the Baptist Union training, level 3. Her role is to ensure that our policies and procedures are kept up to date and Emma is responsible for keeping records, promoting good safeguarding practice across the church and acts as a link between the church and other agencies.
She is committed to excellence in safeguarding and is able to remain calm under pressure and work well with others.
  I have been married to Katie for 21 years and have two sons, Toby 15 and Theodore 8.  We have been worshipping at WBC since March 2020 and we love being part of such a caring church that is so committed to showing God’s love to those around us and our community.
I became a Christian when I was 18 after a very challenging up bringing in care and my Christian faith has been paramount in carrying me through all the ups and downs that life has thrown at us over the years. 
My passion is food and hospitality.  I work as a Regional Manager for a large catering company and I also love hosting and cooking for friends and family.  Up until a recent knee injury I was a keen runner but also enjoy get outside for a long walk or paddle in the kayak.
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Keith Hilton

I was born in Norwich and have lived in the area for all my life. I am now retired but spent 45 years working in the printing industry.
I am married and have four children and 10 grandchildren.
I have attended church for most of my life, but it was not until 2000 when I attended an Alpha Course together with my wife Robbie that I fully understood what it was to be a Christian.
I moved to Wymondham in 2021 and started to attend WBC with my wife on a casual basis as I was still a member of my church in Norwich. In 2023 there was a change in the leadership at my church in Norwich, so it seemed that was the time for me to become fully committed at WBC.
I would describe my self as a practical Christian. Over the years I have been involved with several Christian charities that have supported both children and vulnerable adults in a number of ways.
I am currently a Trustee of The Besom in Norwich a small but active charity providing support to people moving into accommodation for the first time.
Through my faith I feel I can serve my church and the wider community here in Wymondham in practical ways.
I am currently involved at WBC with church and garden maintenance, Roots Café, Eco Team, and Building Project Group.


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Mathew Mutokonya


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