
Dumbo picture

As you know that’s the name given to the endearing Disney elephant. But what I heard the other day was particularly surprising. An animal researcher had worked out, through observation and sound equipment, that elephants call each other by name. An elephant will call out to a herd and, yes, one elephant will prick up his large ears and respond to that call. You see he had heard his name called out, none of the others responded. It’s like us, when even in an unfamiliar group or place, we respond when our name is mentioned and instinctively, we look up.
Now we know that dolphins communicate with each other and even the giant blue whale will communicate with another. Unbelievably the blue whale can call out and be heard over hundreds, if not thousands of miles away.
There are such sounds in nature that never seem to surprise us. Even the stars emit sounds, like clicking and whirring, all picked up by sensitive radio equipment, even though the planets and stars are light years away. The sounds of the God created universe!
All these sounds are totally unlike any sounds that humans make and yet they have always been there and gradually we are discovering them.
Right now, it would be good to spend a few minutes reading Psalm 8. Having talked about sounds, this would have been a Psalm to be sung, as it was addressed to the ‘director of music’ by David.
Verse one says, “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.” The Psalm concludes in verse 8, which again says, “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!”
What an immense Father God we have that we see His majesty in the heavens above and in the depths of the oceans, below.

Vic, 21/07/2024