Fired Up!

Picture1 Fired up
I don’t know if nowadays people have a traditional “spring clean.” Maybe when youlook around you see signs that it could be time for a freshen up. What alwayssurprises me is the number and quality of the cobwebs we get. I wonder if secretly thespiders in our house have a web machine as we don’t see many spiders, but we dohave a lot of webs, particularly when the sun shines and glints on the strands, likevery fine lace.Is it also time for a bit of repairing and repainting to brighten things up? I won’t ask ifyou have looked behind that bookcase, fridge or oven. Don’t let’s go there!The thought came to me, is our love for the Lord in need of a freshen up and are wecomplacent, just accepting the Lord always being there? Do we need to clear awayany cobwebs in our thinking, are there any areas of our lives not as clean and brightas they should be?In the letter of Paul to Timothy, (the young church leader), he says, “For this reason Iremind you to fan into flame the gift of God which is in you.” (2 Tim:1-6) What Paulmust have been thinking was that some believers were like embers in a fire andneeded to be fired up and their faith fanned into a flame, a living flame!Am I, and are you in that place where we need to ask ourselves, is my faith alive, am Iusing my gifts, am I being the person God wants me to be?Let’s all make sure that we are truly living for Jesus and are actually on fire for Him.Think about this, even as you maybe brushing the cobwebs away.


Vic, 21/04/2024