Health and Safety Policy

Currently under review
Primary Responsibility Church Secretary
Issued February 2021
Status Agreed
Review Period 3 years – Monitor Actions 3 monthly
Next Review Date February 2024
Original Church Office
Copy Minister
Copy Trustees
Copy Website
 If printed this document is UNCONTROLLED
  1. Purpose and Scope
Wymondham Baptist Church recognises and accepts its responsibilities for providing a safe and healthy environment for all those who use the church premises.  The purpose of this policy is to describe the arrangements we have made to meet these responsibilities.  Please note that there are also separate policy documents specifically for Fire Safety and Food Safety, as well as for Safeguarding.
  1. Policy
Our policy is to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that our activities are carried out safely and do not pose a risk to the health of our employees, volunteers, church members, visitors and others who may use the church, grounds or any other building we are responsible for.  This will be in accordance with good practice and any relevant statutory provisions where they apply.
The Trustees accept their overall responsibility for this.  We will ensure that adequate resources are made available to achieve this objective.  Any decisions we make will have due regard for it.
The Trustees will appoint a Health and Safety Officer, who will report to the trustees at least annually regarding the implementation of the policies and any proposed improvements.  The Health and Safety Officer is normally the Church Secretary: the trustees will notify the members if they nominate a different person for this role.
All employees and volunteers of Wymondham Baptist Church are required to follow the spirit of these Health and Safety policies in whatever activities they organise at the church premises.
Other groups will not be permitted to use the premises unless they agree to follow our Health and Safety policies.
  1. Trustees
The Trustees will take all necessary steps within their power to meet their responsibilities by, among other arrangements:
  1. Maintaining the church premises, means of access and egress in a condition that is safe and without risk to health;
  2. Providing and maintaining furnishings and equipment which are safe and without risk to health;
  3. Assessing the risk to the health and safety of those who use the church premises;
  4. Ensuring the safety and absence of risk to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles, equipment, furniture and substances;
  5. Providing such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety of those who use the church premises;
  6. Arranging for suitable induction programmes and training;
  7. Provision and maintenance of a proper environment for the church’s employees and volunteers that is safe, without risk to health, and adequate as regards facilities and arrangements for their welfare;
  8. Consulting with employees and volunteers on the effectiveness and implementation of this policy and any necessary changes;
  9. Ensuring that adequate funds and resources are made available for carrying out this policy;
  10. Keeping up to date with health and safety legislation and best practice, and where necessary obtaining specialist health and safety assistance.
  11. Setting a personal example on matters of health and safety.
  1. Health and Safety Officer
The Health and Safety Officer will:
  1. Ensure that appropriate risk assessments of the church’s premises and activities are conducted and reported to the church’s trustees as necessary;
  2. Co-ordinate (with the trustees) the requirements of and implementation of the church’s Health and Safety Policies, using the Annual review Checklist provided in Appendix 1;
  3. Oversee investigations of any accidents and recommend measures for preventing their recurrence;
  4. Check that accident and other appropriate records are maintained and returned to the appropriate bodies;
  5. Check that all appropriate arrangements are made to provide first aid;
  6. Ensure that any Personal Protective Equipment if required to fulfil any duties undertaken in the church is provided;
  7. Confirm that all food safety legislation is complied with;
  8. Arrange for any safety training courses that are required, so that specific legal requirements are adhered to, and confirm that any changes in such requirements are communicated to employees and volunteers and complied with;
  9. Check that, were necessary, all relevant safety regulations are prominently displayed, and that all emergency procedure notices are properly exhibited and clearly visible at all times;
  10. Confirm that procedures are in place to ensure that access to and from emergency exits and fire equipment are not impaired and that corridors and stairs are kept free from obstructions other than of a temporary and partial nature.
  1. Employees, Volunteers and External Groups
All employees and volunteers of Wymondham Baptist Church and external groups using the premises will:
  1. Take reasonable care of their health and safety, and of the health and safety of other persons who may be affected by a person’s acts or omissions while working or helping;
  2. Make themselves familiar with and conform to the Health and Safety Policies of the church at all times;
  3. Observe all safety rules, procedures and codes of practice at all times, and in particular be fully conversant with the procedures to be followed in the event of a fire or any other emergency;
  4. Conform to all the food safety regulations that are applicable to themselves;
  5. Co-operate with the church to enable it to carry out its duties and requirements under the provisions of all health and safety legislation, including participating in any initial or other training if called up to do so;
  6. Report to the Church Health and Safety Officer all accidents or hazardous occurrences or dangers whether persons are injured or not, as soon as is reasonably practicable;
  7. Ensure that all working equipment and materials used by them are in a safe and serviceable condition and that no cables or wires are left in a position where they may create a trip hazard.
Users of the church premises will not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare.

Appendix 1:  Annual Health and Safety Review Checklist
Nature of check Have previous actions been closed? Annual Review Comments and Actions Arising
1.Are the Church premises, paths, steps, staircases, floors and toilets in a safe, clean and tidy condition and adequately lit?  Are there satisfactory arrangements for their cleaning and maintenance?
2.Are all exits and escape routes clearly marked with appropriate signs which comply with the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996?
Are the emergency exit routes kept clear of obstruction and properly lit?
3.Have provisions been made to ensure that emergency exit doors are either unlocked or fitted with panic bolts?  Do they open outwards where possible?
4.Are clear instructions issued as to what to do in the event of a fire?
5.Are there appropriate arrangements for giving warning in case of fire?
6.Is the fire-fighting equipment adequate, easy to use, properly positioned and signed in accordance with the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996?
Has it been inspected/maintained?
Do sufficient people understand how to use the equipment?
7.Is a first aid box available and is someone responsible for ensuring that it is adequately stocked?  Is a list of first aiders available?
8.Are there proper arrangements for investigating, recording and reporting accidents?
What accidents have been recorded in the last period?  Is any follow-up action required?
9.Does the kitchen and the equipment in it comply with current hygiene requirements?
10.Are there proper precautions for the use, labelling and storage of hazardous or harmful substances?
Is cleaning and decorating equipment stored away from children?
Is safety equipment such as goggles, rubber gloves and aprons available?
11.Have the electrical circuits been safety tested?
12.Have portable electrical appliances been safety tested?  Are they plugged into a sufficient number of sockets for their use without the use of adaptors?  Is there a clear rule concerning the electrical equipment which can be brought onto the Church premises?
13.When was the gas installation serviced by a qualified person?
  • Church building
  • Manse
14.Is there an asbestos survey indicating any risks?  Is the asbestos log up to date?  Has any asbestos been discovered or removed from the premises during the previous period?  Are identified sections of asbestos in a safe condition?
15.Where a door can swing both ways, does it have a visibility panel?  If so, is this fitted with safety glass?
Are there any other glazed areas that should be fitted with safety glass?
16.What restrictions are in place for the maximum number of people that may be present at any one time in any part of the premises?
17.Is proper advice available for the lifting of heavy object?
Is advice provided on how furniture and equipment should be stacked or stored?
18.Are there adequate arrangements for outside contractors who carry out work on the church premises to ensure that they work safely and do not create a safety hazard for others?
19.Are appropriate arrangements made for planning and supervising volunteer work parties undertaking maintenance or repairs on the church premises?
20.Where outside organisations use the church premises, are they uses aware of the church’s Health and Safety Policies and is it clear to them that they must take responsibility for their own operations?
21.Are arrangements made for employees and volunteers to be supplied with appropriate information about health and safety and fire precautions?
Have new employees/volunteers received appropriate training as part of their induction?
22.Do new employees or volunteers understand any rules or agreed advice about safe working whilst alone in the building?
23.Do new employees or volunteers understand the policy for working at height?
24.Has appropriate advice been provided to employees and volunteers who use Display Screen Equipment on a daily basis?
25.Have the exterior walls, gates, trees, roofing etc. been inspected to ensure there is no danger of accidents?
26.Are there any other ‘hazards’ which need consideration?  If so, list them noting the action required and the programme of action


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Cathy Finch, 13/02/2021